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云乐音乐学校 发表于 2019-11-7 08:26:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 k  F7 O8 v; O" \" m竹笛的历史沿革      History of bamboo flute: P) H, H- q7 A
5 r* A! g: k5 q0 @% D9 a. R(''Bone making 8,000 years ago is the earliest flute, also called "bone whistle".)
, w/ b& a5 _! I7 N# `6 z: V+ X2.殷周时代就有音阶完整的竹制笛子.# }$ @$ Z; A* J; S: ?! ?" f+ s
In the Yin and zhou dynasties, there were bamboo flutes with complete scales.* z6 s( p, o& d( y3 I' P
3.魏晋时期出现十二律笛., D% Z; Z# b; B, N3 e* y
The twelve flute appeared in wei and jin dynasties.
6 v' @) s4 F  j5 D# t/ B4.宋朝出现吹孔在中间,两手交叉起来演奏的''交叉笛''.
$ d5 w- f7 P" A2 h% N In song dynasty, there was a "cross flute" with holes in the middle and hands crossed.
; S- q8 A) C! `7 I; ?5.宋元以后,竹笛成为戏曲伴奏乐器,伴奏梆子戏的称为''梆笛'',伴奏昆曲的称为''曲笛4 N5 m8 j1 r  W/ o$ y1 i
''After song and yuan dynasties, bamboo flute became an accompaniment instrument for operas. Bangzi opera was called bangdi and kunqu opera was called qudi.
; `( Z& i# O4 J+ A" C小工调 正宫调 乙字调      Xiao gong tune tune b character
  ?% R% L+ |: w6 U* R; v1.以第三孔(从下向上数)作主音1的统称,''小工调''.
* N6 N! {8 s1 YUse the third hole (from the bottom up) as the general term for tonic 1, "minor key".6 f+ z  k( o; A* z
( y# F+ @- l+ m0 A4 b: B The one with the sixth hole (top hole) as the tonic is called "palace tone".
& l) {+ ^/ h( _) C  O* N0 Y1 R3.以筒音作为主音(全按孔)作主音的称为''乙字调''.
% {# X  {& j: O9 e2 s$ |5 H The tonic with the tube tone as the tonic (full press hole) is called "b-tone"., \6 @/ h0 s/ u4 ], K, j. @
笛类乐器'        Flute class instruments
1 p1 P8 E' u! z" X% g4 i& a1.竹笛属于横吹的开管乐器.
' q; O  c5 D: m, y' ~# o0 [Bamboo flute is an open wind instrument that blows horizontally.7 J7 }+ i0 b3 r* @! V6 v
! a( E+ x, ]7 J1 E) ?9 q3 k9 UThe human body inhales through the control of the lips, making the air flow into a bundle, to the Angle of the inclined plane into the pipe blowing end, thus generating edge vibration, in the tube to form a standing wave, so as to emit the relative length of the frequency.$ \/ Y$ D+ P( ?: u& s# P
笛与萧的区别      The difference between flute and shaw/ D9 p: f5 ?7 T! E0 ]$ e
- b- ]# f! c2 L9 I/ j7 G/ iThose that blow horizontally are called flutes, and those that blow vertically are called shaws.7 O$ Y% z: V: ]. x$ f5 D
笛子各部分名称      The names of the parts of the flute9 N6 ^7 F6 t4 F: l
从下往上数,辅助音孔、基音双孔、第一孔、第二孔、第三孔、第四孔、第五孔、第六孔、笛膜孔、吹孔、笛塞。6 ~4 \! }; c; f9 H/ e4 h1 _$ y
From the bottom up, auxiliary sound hole, pitch double hole, first hole, second hole, third hole, fourth hole, fifth hole, sixth hole, flute film hole, blowing hole, flute plug.7 }- G2 D. i. D6 p! |
4 {! ^* x( o6 d4 i) S+ k" `5 ?
! O3 }6 `& \: l2 k7 ]


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